How To Grow Winecaps!!!

  • Mushroom Compost
  • Woodchips (Soft Hard Woodchips - wet, moist, and soft) (field and forest products go more in depth on different species) (You can also use straw)
  • Mycelium (Fields and Forest)

Winecaps are mulch loving mushrooms meaning they grow straight up on land.

Winecaps fruit from late spring to midfall. They fruit from 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit.

I grew them in my garden although you could grow them indoors:

Outdoors works better though you just have to allow nature to take its course:

Winecaps can help plants grow faster so I suggest you grow this mushroom in your garden. Spread the woodchips out and around the plants. Kind of like mulch plant beds. As long as you have enough mulch around them and the mycelium mixed into the soil you should be fine:

You want to mix the myeclium with the woodchips. You want to get as much myeclium mixed with the woodchips as possible. Make sure the woodchips are wet when you touch them. In the first week or two if you do not get really rainy weather I would hose the woodchips so the mycelium stays alive. After a while the mycelium will grow underneath and survive.

Also another note, make sure to grow plants with the mulch. The reason why this is important is because plants help give mushroom shade. If the mushroom does not have any shade the sun will cook it. It will lose its closer.

Make sure you have spots for shade. Mushrooms NEED shade.

Unhappy Mushroom:

Happy Mushroom:

After this you pretty much allow nature to take its course. After a couple months you should see some results.
