How Do You Create Value?!

I'll keep this short and brief - just a quick reminder for myself

  1. To Create value - first you have to critically assess your behaviors (This will build your value system)
  2. What behaviors are Benefiting Myself?

    What behaviors are Benefiting Society?

    What behaviors are Harming Myself?

    What behaviors are Harming Society?

  3. Then you make sure to build healthy relationships based off that value system
  4. Then to actually create value align your desires with their desires and start building projects through the areas associated with the job market
  5. To build projects
  6. Utilize various AI tools, software tools, and platforms

    Utilize Job Market

    Utilize University

    Utilize Friends

    Utilize Skills

Important Information I Don't Want To Forget

True Confidence is being LESS Invested in other people's perception than in the perception of yourself (Non-Neediness)

False/No Confidence is being MORE Invested in other people's perception than in the perception of yourself (Neediness)

Narcissism is NOT being invested in other people's perception at all (Not Caring)

We all practice a little bit of both you just want your Internal Validation > External Validation

In order to practice True Confidence we need to be truly honest with ourselves and others and teach ourselves that it's ok (Vulnerable)

You are who you attract which is the ultimate irony of life. People with similar values are attracted to each other. If you're fake and manipulative then that is who you will attract. If you're honest and genuine then that is who you will attract. But no matter how you behave you will never attract everyone and that is a good thing. In order to attract someone at all you need to polarize them. The truth is that you can't be really attractive to some people without being extremely repulsive to others. But if you never polarize then you will never really be attractive to anyone.

Also Human relationships are very complex, diverse, and multifaced so I take all this stuff with a grain of salt. I don't take any of this stuff really too seriously, but I still try to keep it in the back of my mind.

Behaviors Associated With True Confidence

Internal validation

Internal approval


Living in the self (Being)

Internal Self-worth



Slow and Steady (I think I can)


Being ok with Rejection

Being Direct

Being Genuine

Being Honest

Being Vulnerable

Respecting yourself

Treating people like human beings

Listening to all perspectives

Telling people you don't like it when they disrespect you - if they continue you will leave

Leaving people when they cross your boundaries

Telling people you genuinely like/love them

Not focusing on entirely complaining and blaming actually proposing solutions to problems

Facts > Emotion

Not hiding your emotions

Not hiding your intentions

Focus on How You Can Help Others > Not How Others Can Perceive You

Being able to handle Difficult things and Difficult situations


Working through hardship and pain

Acting in accordance with your values

Behaviors Associated With False Confidence

Constant External Validation

Constant External Approval


Living in the ego

Trying to Impress People

Showing Off

Being Domineering

Trying to control people

Hiding behaviors/intentions/feelings

Being Fake

Wanting Attention/Likes on Social Media

Perceiving vulnerability as weakness

Weakness due to non-expression of vulnerabilities


Constant Worrying

Retention Model
Projects Model
Job Market Map
Important Statistics
Psych Notes

Objective value has to do with facts

Subjective value has to do with feelings

Value is either consumed or produced

In order to feel meaningful and useful you need to produce subjective and objective value

In order to love yourself you need to love the objective and subjective value you are producing

True intelligence is understanding how important the things you are consuming and producing are related to your values

Your values are what you believe are harming/helping society and yourself

True Confidence will come from your ability to invest in yourself which comes from being intelligent which comes from be honest with your values in accordance with your producer and consumer behaviors.

People who only produce subjective value will feel useless

People who only produce objective value will feel meaningless

If you feel meaningless you will eventually feel useless and vice versa

People get their subjective/objective value through their job, projects, hobbies, friends, family, and relationships